Posts Tagged ‘waste reduction’
Quest’s 2023 in Review: AI’s Role in Business, Clean Energy Solutions & Sustainability Talks
– Dec. 14, 2023 – Quest Resource Management Group hit several milestones in 2023. We advanced services to our clients by adding deeper expertise in our core verticals and received a U.S. patent for Quest Proganics®. Additionally, Quest generated operational improvements by leveraging AI and IoT as part of our digital transformation, and we continued…
Read MoreRecession Ready? How Sustainability Strategies/Data Could Prepare Your Business to Survive, Accelerate Out of Economic Downturns
– September 22, 2022 – Note: The following content is based on an upcoming piece Quest Resource Management Group wrote for Fleet Equipment Magazine about sustainable efforts for fleet operators ahead of a looming recession. Our original guide has been repurposed and adapted for your business. When it comes to recession, here’s what’s…
Read MoreHow to Grow Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain
Quest’s CEO, Ray Hatch was recently featured on with an article discussing the challenges and opportunities concerning sustainability in the food supply chain Ray Hatch, CEO Quest Resource Management Group From construction to automotive services, businesses are focusing on ways to become more eco-conscious. The food supply chain is no exception. Within the logistics…
Read MoreTurning Food Waste Regulations into Opportunities
As cities and states begin pushing harder toward their zero-waste goals, new regulations are being put into effect that will change the way businesses operate. For restaurants and food production, these new food waste regulations are already being put into place across the country and can have staggering impacts on your workflows, production, and profits.…
Read MoreSustainable Restaurant 101: Reducing your Waste Footprint
Running a sustainable restaurant is no longer just a trendy concept. It’s quickly becoming the focus for how businesses operate because it is what consumers expect. Environmentally-friendly practices are what can set you restaurant operation apart from your competition. The major project in establishing a successful, sustainable restaurant chain is to reduce the overall amount…
Read MoreHow The Food Industry Can Reduce Waste
The food supply chain creates a colossal amount of waste. Each year, 1.6 billion tons of food goes to waste. Fleets transporting food to distribution centers are running inefficiently. Recyclable packaging can be dismissed as “too expensive.” Refining Food Industry Processes for a Sustainability-Focused Future: An Interview with Ray Hatch from Quest Resource Management Group Texas-based Quest…
Read MoreSix Ways to Minimize Waste on Your Construction Site
As a construction professional, you know better than anyone that sustainable building practices are not just a passing trend. Over 30 cities, including Sacramento, Denver, and Atlanta require new buildings of a certain size to be built to LEED standards. As more and more cities adopt similar regulations for new construction, construction companies are going…
Read MoreHow Much Waste do your Restaurants ACTUALLY Produce?
In the restaurant business, waste management is an important part of everyday operations. If it’s not done correctly, it can become a time-consuming hassle and all-around nightmare before you know it. On top of that, reducing waste is important for your business because it saves you money and makes you look like a superhero to…
Read More2019 Restaurant Trend # 3: Transparency – Show Off your Progress
Current trends that are driving the restaurant business like localization, being transparent, and participating in socially responsible programs aren’t always as easy to adapt to large-scale operations. Single location restaurants have a huge advantage when it comes to being flexible with their waste reduction, management, and recycling options – but that doesn’t mean that multiple…
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