Tool or Toll: What Role Will AI Play in Environmental Efforts?

AI Truths: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

– June 22, 2023 – While artificial intelligence is a hot topic lately, it’s not new. Since the mid-1960s, it has been studied, developed and utilized. Somehow the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey predicted how we’d use video conferencing to communicate and digital tech to manage complex processes and assist humans. But let’s hope our…

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Setting Small Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions Can Have a Big Impact

QuestRMG New Year's Resolution Impact 2022

– January 20, 2022 – Setting a sustainable New Year’s resolution can be a great way to change your business positively. However, establishing a resolution and sticking to it doesn’t exactly have a hand-in-glove relationship. According to a recent study by Scranton University, only 19% of people complete their resolutions. Reasons for that are because…

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Waste Minimization Solution for Airline Ice

Airline Waste Minimization

When one of the nation’s largest airlines needed a new solution for recycling ice removed from in-flight beverage services, Quest’s team of waste minimization experts jumped at the chance to create a customized program to meet their needs. The passenger airline carries an average of 128 pounds of ice on each flight, some of which…

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5 Brands Big On Saving Water

Big Brands Water Conservation

It probably comes as no surprise that water conservation is big in the beverage industry, but what’s more shocking is that it wasn’t always. Management of water resources is still an issue that global companies wrestle with. The good news is that some big brands are stepping up admirably when it comes to sustainable business.…

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